Today's Traveller InterviewsNews

Amitabh Kant: Change is driving innovation, digitalization, sustainability across the world

Amitabh Kant, India’s outstanding G20 Sherpa shares thought-provoking insights in his Foreword for Today’s Traveller Collector’s Issue — Champions of Change.

Chief Guest Amitabh Kant G 20 Sherpa Former NITI Aayog CEO edited Amitabh Kant: Change is driving innovation, digitalization, sustainability across the world
Amitabh Kant, G20 Sherpa

The world has certainly changed in the last few years and has impacted economies, lifestyles, businesses, and individuals across the globe.

The pandemic has also pushed societies towards change when it comes to sustainability and energy conservation.

People are now more aware of how their choices affect the environment, leading to more people choosing sustainable products and making changes in their lifestyles to reduce their carbon footprint.

Sustainability has also taken a major step forward, as people become more conscious of their own environmental footprint. There are many benefits to change – from better health, improved mental awareness, stronger family bonds, and a greener planet.

The travel and hospitality industries have been particularly affected by the change. However, both sectors have shown resilience and started to rebound by innovating new products, leveraging technology, and providing better services.

Digitalization and innovation are two areas that have particularly seen a boom as a result of all the changes – with more people turning to online solutions for everyday tasks, industrial processes, and even entertainment. There have been new opportunities through technological advancements such as AI, automation, and cloud computing. This has enabled businesses to reduce costs while improving productivity, customer service, and experience. For example, e-commerce has enabled businesses to reach a much wider audience, while advancements in the travel sector have made travelling easier and more accessible.

 Amitabh Kant, G20 Sherpa
Amitabh Kant, G20 Sherpa

India is a great example of this trend – many hotels now offer virtual tours of their facilities, contactless check-ins, and other amenities such as food delivery apps and online booking systems to ensure that customers have the best experience possible. Technology has enabled them to take advantage of digital tools to provide remote services, while they have also come up with new ways of engaging customers and delivering new product offerings.

Change is thus driving innovation, digitalization, and sustainability across the world – and India is no exception.

With change comes opportunity, and it has never been more important to stay ahead of the curve in order to have a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

The key is to find ways to adapt and use change as an opportunity not only for growth but also to thrive – leading to a better world for us all.

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